Friday, February 24, 2012

2/24 New Releases ~ Fuss Free: Funky Paper Play 6 & Fuss Free: Like Totally 2

Fuss Free: Funky Paper Play 6 templates feature a variety of unique and fun ways to use paper on your layouts.

Fuss Free: Like Totally 2 template pack is like totally awesome! If you "like totally" missed the Totally Template Make It Snappy times for November 2011, December 2011, January 2012 and February 2012, never fear, because you can "like totally" grab these templates for your digi stash now!

Enjoy 20% off these Fresh Fruit items ~ for a limited time, if you purchase Fuss Free: Funky Paper Play 6, you'll get Fuss Free: Like Totally 2 FREE!

The March Mystery Mega just released ~ and I contributed two templates this month! I love the fresh color palette for this collection. Grab it during the first week of release for only $4.00!

Did you know that every week at Scrap Orchard, a FREE template is given away just because? And lots of those Thursdays, you'll find templates from Fiddle-Dee-Dee Designs. Here's my most recent template contribution (click on the image to go to the Scrap Orchard blog to see a beautiful example layout and get the download link).

Please enjoy some inspiration from my Creative Team and the HoneyBees!

Fuss Free: Funky Paper Play 6

Fuss Free: Like Totally 2

Thursday, February 16, 2012

2/17 New Releases ~ Fuss Free: Strong Foundation & Strong Foundation 2

N E W  R E L E A S E S

When an architect designs, they see the end result and understand what's necessary to make that building stand, and then they design from the ground up on a strong foundation. Fuss Free: Strong Foundation and Fuss Free: Strong Foundation 2 are templates designed with a strong foundation of shaped paper mats and the rest of the layout builds up from that solid base with a variety of layered elements. Thoreau once said, "If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them." Dream your layout, and then build it with these strong templates!

F R E S H  F R U I T  S A L E
a n d
F R E E  W I T H  P U R C H A S E

Enjoy 20% off these Fresh Fruit items ~ for a limited time, if you purchase Fuss Free: Strong Foundation, you'll get Fuss Free: Strong Foundation 2 FREE!

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F a c e b o o k  F a n s !

Somehow, when I was busy designing templates, my Facebook Fan numbers shot over 1,000. In addition to the normal Facebook Fan FreeBee I give away each month, I'm working on something special for y'all since I've reached the 1,000 mark! Keep an eye out for those FreeBees in the month of March!  If you aren't a Facebook Fan yet ~ make sure you click on that button over to the right and "like" my fan page for access to exclusive content!

Please enjoy some inspiration from my Creative Team and the HoneyBees!

Fuss Free: Strong Foundation

Fuss Free: Strong Foundation 2